Borko Rajkovic Tech Blog

Code review using Git

A common practice in modern software development companies is to have a Code Review process in their development teams, which I believe is a must for a clean code base. In this post, I am going to...

Generics in Java part 3 of 3

This article is the third and final part of the series Generics in Java. Here are links to all parts: Generics in Java part 1 of 3 Generics in Java part 2 of 3 Generics in Java part 3 of...

Generics in Java part 2 of 3

This article is the second part of the series Generics in Java. Here are links to all parts: Generics in Java part 1 of 3 Generics in Java part 2 of 3 Generics in Java part 3 of 3 Now ...

Generics in Java part 1 of 3

In this series of articles, we’ll discuss Generics in Java. Here are links to all parts: Generics in Java part 1 of 3 Generics in Java part 2 of 3 Generics in Java part 3 of 3 Generics...


There is a subtle difference in how SQL UNIQUE and DISTINCT reason about NULL values. For UNIQUE they are not the same, but for DISTINCT they are 🤯 Cheat Sheet UNIQUE constraint makes sure n...

Floyd cycle detection

TL;DR To check for the existence of a cycle in Linked List, you can use Floyd cycle detection (tortoise and hare algorithm). I created a mini-game Tile walker 🏃‍♂️ that shows the use of Floyd cyc...

String pool in Java

In this post you will learn about String constant pool (or String pool for short) in Java. Knowing about String pool will deepen your knowledge of Java internals, which is always a plus for a Soft...

Character Encoding Demystified: Everything you Need to Know About ASCII, Unicode, UTF-8

Have you ever wondered how exactly a computer stores letters like A, B, C… or Chinese characters like 吃, or even some emojis like 😆 and 🚀? Maybe you are familiar with ASCII and you are aware of Un...

Welcome to my blog

Welcome Hi there 👋 Welcome to my Tech Blog! Hope you will find interesting articles for you and I am open to any suggestions you may have for new posts. You can contact me via social media or emai...